Susan came to Lift and Live just over 5 years ago when she had moved into the area. Susan has made it a lifestyle to work with a personal trainer to support her efforts to maintain the highest quality of life for as long as possible. Additionally, Susan has scoliosis and is not comfortable exercising unsupervised as she does not want to hurt herself by doing exercises incorrectly or not benefiting as much as she could from her time and energy. When Susan first began training, she was accustomed to cardio based training. As Susan has felt the shift into post-menopause, she's embraced the value of resistance based training as well!
Susan's training has yeilded these results:
Daily back pain has been ELIMINATED
Is "stronger and more flexibile than 20 years ago"
Now does functional exercises she was physically unable or mentally uncomfortable doing - such as deadlifting and overhead squatting!
Susan's Experience at Lift and Live -
Across her time at Lift and Live, Susan has trained with almost every trainer! “All of the trainers have always had one goal – me!” “They work with me to set goals that are attainable and train me in order for me to achieve those goals. I appreciate how each trainer has been non-judgmental, always treats me with respect, and genuinely cares about me. I currently work with Mindy for two private sessions per week. Mindy has researched scoliosis and investigated ways of training me that would strengthen my muscles without causing harm or pain. I know I wouldn’t get that level of training at a regular gym. When I first started at Lift and Live I was living with daily back pain. I can honestly say that my back pain is gone. I have seen myself get stronger and have more flexibility than I did 20 years ago. Mindy is often telling me that when I started with her I was unable to do some exercises. After working with her some of those exercises are easy. I am grateful for the training I’ve done at Lift and Live. Training at Live and Lift has helped me avoid injury when I slipped and fell. In addition, it has taught me how to be grateful for the body I have, and helped me stay in control of my health and well-being as my body inevitably ages."
Susan's Message -
"The trainer I had before moving to this area once say to me, “Pay for it now, or pay for it later. He meant that we all need to invest in ourselves. Life happens, things sometimes go wrong, and we don’t have a lot of control in our lives. Taking care of ourselves is ONE THING we each have control over. If we do not take care of ourselves now, we will be paying for someone to take care of us in the future.” I would rather be in control of my own destiny as much as I can be.” Training at Lift and Live supports Susan to strive for that goal.